What an action packed month for our little Dilly boy. If you look closely, you will notice that Dylan got not one, not two, but four of his top teeth. Gone are the days of the gummy smiles. Our little boy is getting so big!
Now that he's had a taste of mobility, Dylan does not want to be contained in a crib, exersaucer or car seat. In fact, we had to upgrade to a big boy car seat because Dylan's long legs were making for some uncomfortable car rides (and some serious back pain for mommy from carting him around in the carrier.) This came just in time for our road trip to North Carolina.
This month, Dylan began pulling himself to standing in his crib. Nothing quite prepares a mom for that first time when you enter your baby's bedroom and are greeted by your little one upright! Dylan has just begun to cruise, although his prefered mode of transportation is crawling, which he does in the traditional form. Bye-bye, inchworm!
Speaking of bye-bye, Dylan learned to wave hello and goodbye and let me tell you, when he waves and says "HA!" with an open smile, it can make your day! He really enjoys when mommy and Layla sign to him, and he sometimes signs "milk" and "all done!" when he's had enough. Da-da-da and ba-ba-ba are some of his favorite sounds, along with his prolonged "aaaaaaaah" which signals that it's time for a nap.
Dylan self-feeds well, and enjoys gnawing on an ear of corn, a whole piece of fruit (especially plums) or munching on mum-mums. He has graduated to Stage 3 foods and has been known to polish off some Chef Boyardee that his sister refused to eat.
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