Friday, November 26, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy Bees

It's been quite a while since I posted anything because things have been super busy at home! Here's a quick run down of what we've been up to:

*We had the three gum trees in front of our house and one on the side cut down.  I *hate* the thought of cutting down trees, but this was the smartest decision we've ever made! The house looks so much better, we no longer have to worry about our pipes, and the clean-up has been reduced by at least 95%! These trees drop something all year round.  We plan to replace the trees with some nice Japanese maples in the spring.

*We took a nice ride down to Atlantic City for the NJEA Teacher's convention.  Layla always has fun getting out and Monte and I had a nice dinner while Layla napped in her stroller :)

* I have been working on a BIG project for my dad.  I signed up for a free trial at to research his family.  My plan is to put together a family tree and a binder of records to give him on Christmas (shhhh! It's a surprise!)  My dad doesn't know much about his dad's family because his dad passed away when he was about Layla's age.  I know this will be a very special gift for him, and I'm very excited to give it to him! I have found out a lot of information, but I'm pressed for time because I need to cancel the account before my free trial  is over!

*Monte is almost finished with his garage project and I have to admit - it looks great! I hope to post some pictures soon.

*I have gotten a great jump start on my Christmas shopping! I am doing it all on a budget and I'm amazed at the great deals I've found.

* Layla got her 9th tooth! She has also turned into a dancing machine and started saying "I wuv you!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Layla's Photo Shoot!

My awesomely talented friend, Shannon, took some phenomenal pictures of Layla a few weeks ago.  She came with us to The Little Gym and then we went to Mindowaskian Park in Westfield.  I honestly love every picture she took - they capture her emotions, which is so hard to do!  Here are some of my favorites.